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来源:上海都市网| 2018/3/21 15:57:37|


     在本次展会中,基于“超越自动化”的概念,林德搬运机器人智能物流解决方案为观众展示了L-MATIC和P-MATIC机器人车型,呈现了不一样的体验。而在6号的智能论坛中,林德系统解决方案经理高忠崟先生就《传统物流智能化升级》的话题进行了分享。并指出,将传统的物料搬运转变为智能化的思路,不仅仅是设备上单纯的无人化,更是整个物流系统向着未来智能操作“进化”的一大步。林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics则是林德整个物流系统解决方案不可或缺的重要部分。

     林德的宗旨是实现超越性的高效作业,如何针对用户需求,最大化地提高物流作业效率才是林德解决方案的核心。林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics就是诞生于这个理念,它配置PL-D级别激光安全传感器,双模作业模式,正向行驶速度达2m/s,反向行驶速度达0.8m/s。全方位展示了自然导航即时定位与转向路径智能检测的精准性,系统智能调动与客户指令的无缝对接,托盘自主识别的灵活性,更有三维立体安全保护技术给予立体的盾牌守护。林德搬运机器人Linde Robotics解决了一系列物流过程中可能会遇到的情况,并在安全和作业效率上达到了峰值。


     Linde Robotics Shining at SIAF

     Recently, SIAF automation show was successfully held in Guangzhou during Mar. 4th - 6th. As manufacturing industry is undergoing intelligent transformation and upgrading, Linde is working on bringing real value to the customers by focus o n market-oriented differentiated products and avoiding duplication of investment and homogeneity. Now Linde has transformed from forklift product suppliers to service solutions provider. The solutions including intelligent system application of rental service, Linde Robotics(AGV) and comprehensive system integration solution are the advantages of Linde’s service.

     Basic on the concept of More Than Automation, Linde showed L-MATIC and P-MATIC Robotics at the fair. Meanwhile in the intelligence forum, Mr. Gao Zhongyin, Linde system solution manager, shared the opinion on Intelligence Upgrading on Traditional Logistics. He pointed out that Linde Robotics is one of the most important part of the whole logistics system. The evolution of traditional material handling is not just dehumanization of equipment, but the intelligent operation through the whole logistics system.

     Linde's goal is to achieve transcendental efficiency which Linde Robotics has reached. Linde Robotics equip with PL-D laser safety sensor, forward speed 2m/s, back speed 0.8m/s, perfectly presented the precision of the intelligent detection of natural navigation and steering path. With system intelligent transfer, pallet identification and three-dimensional security protection technology, Linde Robotics solved a series of problems that might be encountered in the logistics process.

     In the entire intelligent logistics system, including comprehensive system integration solution, forklift navigation system, fleet management system and logistics train, Linde put its idea of lean logistics run through it to upgrade the logistics operation mode.